Activities of the Federation
By the trade,
With the trade
Services to support the global trade in oils, seeds and fats
We have a diverse membership that includes buyers, sellers and intermediary agents from across the globe and we work to protect their interests and those of the trade by managing, organising and providing a range of services, such as contracts, arbitration and training.
If you are an individual, company or organisation that is actively involved in the trading or shipping of oilseeds, oils and fats or the supply of related services, we hope you will become a member.
To facilitate the trade in oils, seeds and fats, FOSFA International:
- Creates and maintains globally accepted standard contract forms
- Organises and administers an effective arbitration service
- Manages internationally recognised training programmes
- Provides information and advisory services
- Administers the schemes for Analyst and Superintendent members
- Liaises with similar bodies to share good practice
- Continues to develop methods to meet trading needs
Visions and Values
Kindred Associations
The services we provide
Standardised Contracts
Our contracts are created and updated by the trade for the trade and provide buyers, sellers, and intermediaries with fair, trustworthy and consistent contractual terms. They protect the interests of buyers and sellers to smoothly trade and ship their products across the globe.
Compliance & Quality Protection
Our technical team provides and develops detailed procedures for the safe delivery of traded goods to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract. Our network of superintendents and analysts validate safety and quality, and ensure best practice in the carriage and transportation of goods.
Publications of Information & Advice
We produce publications that are specific to a particular commodity or type of trade. These include the FOSFA Manual, Carriage of Oils and Fats, and Guide to Arbitrations and Appeals. All publications are updated as trade practices change.
Dispute Resolution
Our arbitration service provides legally binding and impartial dispute resolution procedures. These are resolved by an experienced peer group of adjudicators who act under a strict code of practice. The service protects trading relationships and practices by helping parties to find mutual agreement.
Education & Development
We provide members with residential education and development programmes that include an introductory course for members with little or no experience in a trading environment, and an advanced course for members who have at least three years’ experience
We are owned and funded by our members, and act on their behalf. Membership is open to any individual, company or organisation involved in trading or in the supply of vegetable and animal oils and fats, oilseeds, and their derivatives.
Question about FOSFA?
Whether you have a question about using contracts or would like to know how the services we provide could benefit your organisation, please get in touch