Our services

Superintendents Scheme

For the trade,
By the trade,
With the trade

Independent inspection of FOSFA contracted commodities

The aim of the FOSFA Member Superintendents Scheme is to improve and standardise the level of quality and service when performing inspections, taking samples, and weighing and assessing the commodities traded under our contracts. Superintendents draw samples of products and use their expertise to inspect the cleanliness of tanks, the state of tank coatings and the compatibility of a variety of cargoes.

Sometimes known as surveyors, our superintendent members are either independent local organisations or part of larger groups with branches across the world. Generally, the seller of the commodity will appoint the superintendent and pay his bill, whilst the buyer pays for the commodity based on the necessary documents produced.   

When handling oils, seeds and fats, member superintendents agree to comply with the terms we have set out in our Code of Practice for Superintendents, which was produced in association with the International Federation of Inspection Agencies (IFIA), now known as the Testing, Inspecting and Certification Council (TIC). 

Alongside the Contractual Methods of Sampling document, the code of practice details the work expected of a cargo surveyor. To ensure the objectives of the code are met, we have stipulated in our contracts that, where practical, only superintendents who are FOSFA members should carry out the tasks.

Independent technical services

Find out more more about the services we provide to the trade

Member Superintendents Scheme Documents

Contractual Methods of Sampling

Code of Practice of Superintendents

Interested in becoming a FOSFA superintendent member?
Complete an application form

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Benefit from free use of the consultancy and advisory service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation) where costs shall be passed on, but under notice