Code of Practice
for member
By the trade,
With the trade
Setting out the duties of Superintendents
FOSFA International Superintendent members carry out inspections, sampling, quality assessments, and examination of goods to ensure they are traded in accordance with the terms of the relevant contract.
The Code of Practice sets out the tasks and functions superintendents will carry out for shore installations and on board ships in relation to oils and fats, oilseeds and groundnuts. It also provides useful information to others involved in the trade about the role and responsibilities of Superintendents.
Download the Code of Practice for Member Superintendents

The Code of Practice for Member Superintendents is split into four sections:
General information
This section provides an overview of what is included in the Code of Practice and information about being a superintendent member, such as Terms & Conditions, complaint procedures, the duties superintendents will undertake and Terms & Conditions of Membership, subscriptions, and the complaints procedure.
Oils and Fats
This section outlines the duties the superintendent will undertake for the carriage and trade of oils and fats, including those that will be carried out on and offshore. It also provides information about sampling, and details a typical operating checklist.
This section provides similar content as that in Part One, but specifically for the trade in oilseeds.
This section outlines the duties the superintendent will undertake for the carriage and trade of groundnuts, including the checks and reports that must be made on containers and fumigation. As per Part One and Part Two, the section also includes a typical operating checklist.
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